1.圣诞节的Scooly太有爱了,那么深情的在门口唱着颂歌 2.15集boyle和jake以为会分开而用望远镜掩饰时,诱h真的又好笑又伤感 3.16集小孩一本正经的问amy什么是高潮时她的表情也太逗了 4.本季开始时rosa的脸看着怪怪的,好在后来好了 5.没想到最后的大案竟然没结束
What a twist! Might not be statistically possible, but sick as the family is guess everything is possible. Something tremendously disturbing about the conservative southern countryside. Feels like a creepy social experiment, except it was true. The fall of the south, indeed. Could relate a lot to the belief that 'let's end the sufferings and pains at me and not pass them to the next generation.'